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Table 1 Yeast strains used in this study

From: APC/C-Cdh1-dependent anaphase and telophase progression during mitotic slippage

Name (Alias)

Description (Source)

SCU15 (W303a)

Mata ura3 his3 leu2 trp1 ade2 can1 (lab stock)

SCU151 (bub2Δ)

SCU893 bub2::hphMX4 (this study)


SCU893 his3::GFP12-LacI12-NLS::HIS3 trp1::LacOx256-TRP1 (this study)

SCU397 (bub2Δ CEN-GFP)

SCU396 bub2::loxP (this study)


SCU893 ura3::tetO2x112::URA3 leu2::tetR-GFP-NLS::LEU2 (this study)

SCU399 (bub2Δ CEN-GFP)

SCU398 bub2::hphMX (this study)


SCU397 leu2::GAL1-SCC1-R180D/R268D-HA3::LEU2 (this study)

SCU408 (bub2Δ PDS1-HA3)

SCU151 PDS1-HA3::URA3 (this study)

SCU410 (bub2Δ MET3-CDC20 CEN-GFP)

SCU399 MET3-CDC20::TRP1 (this study)

SCU893 (bar1Δ)

SCU15 bar1::hisG (U. Surana)

SCU1226 (cdh1Δ CEN-GFP)

SCU15 ura3::tetO::URA3 leu2::tetR::LEU2 cdh1::HIS3 [63]

SCU1228 (cdh1Δ)

SCU15 cdh1::kanR [63]

SCU1336 (bub2Δ cdh1Δ CEN-GFP)

SCU1226 bub2::kanMX (this study)

SCU1337 (MAD2-GFP)

SCU893 mad2::kanM X [pMAD2-GFP] (this study)

SCU1338 (bub2Δ MAD2-GFP)

SCU151 mad2::kanMX [pMAD2-GFP] (this study)

SCU1700 (cdh1Δ CEN-GFP)

SCU1228 trp1::LacOx256:TRP1 his3::HIS3p-GFP13-LacI12NLS::HIS3 (this study)

SCU2755 (PDS1-HA3)

SCU893 pds1::PDS1-HA3::URA3 (this study)

SCU2834 (bub2Δ cdh1Δ PDS1-HA3)

SCU1336 ura3 pds1::PDS1-HA3::URA3 (this study)