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Table 1 Comparison between senescence and mitotic catastrophe

From: Role of senescence and mitotic catastrophe in cancer therapy


Mitotic catastrophe



Synonymous with 'Terminal proliferation arrest' may proceed with apoptosis or necrosis depending on molecular profile of the cell

Synonymous with 'Terminal growth arrest' Cell death in context of cancer


Multinucleated giant cells, no specific in vitro and in vivo assay available

SA-β galactosidase expression, detected by X-gal staining


Aneuploidy, disrupted DNA index, micronuclei formation, nuclear envelope lacking, nuclear fragmentation and uncondensed chromatin

Flattened enlarged cells, granular cytoplasm, exhibit SAHF formation

Genotype implicated in carcinogenesis

Accelerated by G1, G2 and prophase checkpoint proteins (ATM, ATR, p53, Chk2, Cdc25A, Cdc25B, Plk1 & 3)

Accelerated by telomere attrition, ras mutations, inhibited by ALT or p53

Inducing agents

Hyperthermia, IR, anti-cancer drugs interfering with DNA or microtubule assembly

Spontaneous as a result of cumulative divisions or challenged by oncogenic stimulus