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Fig. 7 | Cell Division

Fig. 7

From: Septin and Ras regulate cytokinetic abscission in detached cells

Fig. 7

Adherent bi-nucleated BJ cells are halted in the G1 phase and become senescent. a Representative immunofluorescence images illustrating the absence and presence of EdU incorporation in DNA of mono- and bi-nucleated BJ cells cultured with and without CytD-treatment (described in Additional file 1: Figure S1). b Mean% ± SD of the isolated mitotic BJ cells that had progressed into the S phase of the following cell cycle at the indicated time points. Difference significance for CytD-treated: Mono-nucleated vs. Bi-nucleated**. c Representative phase-contrast images illustrating the absence and presence of X-gal staining (i.e. β-galactosidase activity; senescence marker) in BJ cells after previous treatment with and without CytD (described in Additional file 1: Figure S1). Note the large nucleus in the control cell compared to the senescent cells, reflecting their presence in the S and G1 phase, respectively. d Mean% ± SD of the isolated mitotic cells that show positive signal for senescence at the indicated time points of culture. Difference significance: Control vs. Bi-nucleated***

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