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Supplement to Figure 4A | Cell Division

Supplement to Figure 4A

From: Erratum to: The loop-less tmCdc34 E2 mutant defective polyubiquitination in vitro and in vivo supports yeast growth in a manner dependent on Ubp14 and Cka2

Supplement to Figure 4A

Original data used to prepare Figure 4A. wtCdc34 and tmCdc34 data sets shown in Figure 4A [1] were selected from a larger set of samples shown in full later in the same report (Figure 6A, [1]). The wtCdc34 and tmCdc34 sets of samples shown in Figure 4A [1] were separated on the same gel and analyzed on the same membrane, but were not loaded next to each other, as now indicated by the space between panels. The panels were reassembled without individual changes in brightness and contrast, and are now shown in the original order of loading (tmCdc34 set followed by wtCdc34 set) and probing (emphasized by gray arrow). The rearranged order shown in Figure 4A [1] was introduced to match the final editorial flow of text, where wtCdc34 samples were described before tmCdc34 samples (horizontal order), and Ub blots were described before Sic1 and Cdc34 blots (vertical order). This choice of presentation was editorial and had no bearing on the results or their interpretation. White asterisks mark bands of human keratin, a common contaminant cross-reacting with the crude rabbit serum used to detect Sic1, that were inappropriately removed from Figure 4A [1]. The generic label “Sic1 substrate” used on the top of the figure is a synonym of the more specific term Sic1-P (phosphorylated Sic1) used on the right in the α-Sic1 WB panel

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